How To Get Spray Paint Out Of Clothes: 7 Simple Steps!


Accidentally getting spray paint on your clothes can be quite disheartening, especially if it’s a favorite garment. However, there’s no need to panic!

With the right approach and some quick action, you can successfully remove spray paint stains from your clothes. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through seven simple steps to help you salvage your clothing and say goodbye to those stubborn spray paint marks.

How To Get Spray Paint Out Of Clothes: 7 Simple Steps!

Spray paint stains can seem daunting, but by following these straightforward steps, you can effectively eliminate the stains and restore your clothes to their former glory.

Step 1: Act Quickly

Time is of the essence when dealing with spray paint stains. The sooner you begin the cleaning process, the better your chances of success. Remove the stained garment as soon as possible and gather the necessary supplies.

Step 2: Blot, Don’t Rub

Before attempting to remove the stain, gently blot the excess paint using a clean cloth or paper towel. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can push the paint deeper into the fabric fibers.

Step 3: Test an Unseen Area

Before applying any cleaning solution, test it on an inconspicuous area of the garment to ensure it doesn’t cause color fading or damage to the fabric.

Step 4: Choose a Cleaning Solution

Depending on the fabric type, select an appropriate cleaning solution. For water-based spray paints, use a mixture of dish soap and water. For oil-based spray paints, opt for acetone or nail polish remover.

Step 5: Apply the Solution

Dampen a clean cloth with the chosen cleaning solution and gently blot the stain from the outer edges towards the center. Avoid excessive scrubbing, which can spread the stain.

Step 6: Rinse and Repeat

After applying the cleaning solution, rinse the stained area with cold water to remove any residual paint and cleaning product. If the stain persists, repeat steps 4 and 5 until the stain is completely gone.

Step 7: Launder the Garment

Once the stain is removed, launder the garment as usual. Check the stain before drying; if it’s not completely gone after washing, repeat the cleaning process before drying.

Additional Tips and Precautions

  • Avoid Heat: Don’t use hot water or heat sources like irons or dryers on the stained area, as heat can set the stain permanently.
  • Be Gentle: Always use gentle motions when treating the stain to prevent damaging the fabric.
  • Consult Professionals: For delicate or valuable garments, consider seeking professional cleaning help to avoid further damage.


Can I use any cleaning solution on all fabrics?

No, different fabrics react differently to cleaning solutions. Always perform a patch test before applying any solution to the stained area.

Is it possible to remove spray paint from delicate fabrics?

Yes, but it requires extra caution. Delicate fabrics like silk should be treated gently and preferably by professionals.

Can I use rubbing alcohol to remove spray paint?

Rubbing alcohol can work on some fabrics, but it’s essential to test it first as it may cause color fading on certain materials.

What if the stain is old and dried?

While it’s more challenging, you can still attempt to remove old and dried spray paint stains using the steps mentioned above.

Can I machine wash the garment after stain removal?

Yes, once the stain is removed, you can safely machine wash the garment following its care instructions.

Is it guaranteed that the stain will be completely gone?

While these steps can effectively remove spray paint stains in most cases, some stubborn stains might require professional help.


Accidents happen, but they don’t have to ruin your clothes. By acting quickly and following the seven simple steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully remove spray paint stains from your garments.

Remember, patience and caution are key when dealing with stains, and if you’re unsure about a specific fabric, consider seeking professional assistance. With the right approach, you can salvage your clothes and enjoy them for many wears to come.

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